...fighting visual illiteracy throughout the known universe...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This is the image I used for the image analysis paper


  1. I really find that this is an intense picture. For the most part you can see the fear in her eyes. I really like that one because you have no idea what she has seen. If you know anything about this picture you know that she doesn't live in a world where she has equal rights. I also love the colors in picture. They are so vibrant and i feel like they describe much of how she feels. If you look at her reaction and the colors the intescity is the same. Which is more than likely what the photographer was going for. The green in her eyes so ambition but the fear shows the lack of ability to get her where she wants. This is only how i see her in this picture but non the less it is beautiful.

  2. This is a crazy picture with beautiful eyes! the eyes and the tan skin with the brown hair is what sticks out most to me . The colors really show fear and stick out to me looking at her intense face shows off fear and maybe sorrow.
