...fighting visual illiteracy throughout the known universe...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My top horror films

1.Silence of the Lambs
5.Friday the 13th (series)
6.Nightmare on Elm Street (series)
7.Texas Chainsaw Massacre (series)
8.Halloween (series)
9.Scream (series)
10.The Lost Boys

while some of these may not entirely horror films (Jaws, Seven, Silence of the Lambs) I feel that they had elements of horror films. I will admit that The Ring, and The Exorcist were the two scariest films that I have seen, but they were so scary that I did not enjoy them. Some others that I was considering were I am Legend, and Signs. My top 8 were head and shoulders better than the others. These were my ten favorite, not necessarily the best because my preferences are different than yours might be.

1 comment:

  1. You have good tastes my friend! :D I love like all of these! These are like my childhood....

    The Lost Boys probably being my favorite...the gothic eighties style, "Cry Little Sister", and in general the way it mixes humor with horror.

    Michael: Open up!
    Sam: Stay back!
    Michael: Sammy, help me! Open up! Help me! Sammy, open the window!
    Sam: Never! I knew it!
    Michael: I'm not!
    Sam: So what are you, the flying nun?
    Michael: I'm your brother, Sammy help me!

    Great movie...had me wearing sunglasses in the house for the next two weeks...take that Stephanie Meyers

