...fighting visual illiteracy throughout the known universe...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

what is art?

Art is a subject that can be discussed over and over again, each time a new conclusion being reached. Everybody has a different opinion about what art is; this is why the subject of art is so hard to define. Art is something that is universal; it has many meanings and many faces, not mattering where in the world it takes place, there is always someone who knows what it is.

If I was asked this question a few years ago I probably would have told you that art is something that cannot be defined, everybody has their own opinion and with this can choose what art is or isn’t. Now I believe that art is anything that influences the public and takes creativity to produce. Art provokes an emotional response whether positive or negative and makes people think. Art can be anything there are no limitations, an example of this is music that has been composed or the architecture of a building. Art doesn’t have to be conventional as most art isn’t. There is art around us at all times we just have to think outside of the conventional limitations to discover what it is.

Many people don’t understand art, they only know what they like and dislike. Someone can look at a Monet and not understand the art but know there is something about it that makes them want to stand and stare for hours. This is true for most art, many people may not get the message that the artist is trying to portray but know that something about it that makes them stop and think.

If someone asked me to define a work of art I don’t think I would be able to. What I believe is art is completely different to what someone else thinks. Many artists struggle their entire lives to get recognition a lot of times without success. It is this reason alone that I would not want to be responsible for defining what is or isn’t art.

I believe that art can be anything that is expressive, creative and influential. This being said there are certain things that are not art. I believe that it is up to personal preference to make this definition. I personally do not think that scrap metal that is lying along the side of the road is art. Just because it is arranged in a certain way it doesn’t take away from the fact that it is a pile of junk. Everybody will define what art is differently, the important thing is art will always be art .

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that there must be human intervention in a medium to make it art. Also, I believe that art is intentional and a product of the imagination. According to Sir Phillip Sidney, an English poet of the 16th Century, art is that which "teaches and delights." We learn and are moved by art. The idea of the "struggling artist" is something that could use some discussion. My contention is that their struggle is not what is normally meant by that statement. What do you think?
