...fighting visual illiteracy throughout the known universe...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

What is Art?

Throughout history, art has been universal and enhances all cultures with expression and creativity. Art is defined in the dictionary as “the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance”, which definitely is the aspect of art that people strive for through their creations. Whatever form of art he or she creates must have a greater significance to the artist and the one viewing than what one see’s on the surface. However, art is also more than a specific artifact, or object that elicits a greater significance. It is everywhere in society and would be incredibly hard to live without. One may just not think of it in that sense. For example, the graphics in someone’s favorite video game, or favorite pair of shoes were carefully designed and shaped according to a pre-determined vision, thus making it a branch of art. Even something as simple as the table one eats at for dinner, is art, although not as bold and probably not under the category that one generally thinks of when regarding something as art. It is definitely a form of it and would be impossible to live without.

Art gives humans a way to express themselves and be creative. This aspect of art may be more evident in some people than others, but it remains as a healthy way for humans to enhance their creative side and have the ability to make or appreciate something beautiful. Art is a fantastic part of life because no matter the language, or culture everyone can appreciate the feelings or thoughts that are often provoked by something incredibly artistic. The world becomes a better place when people can find a way to bond and relate regardless of their differences. Although cultures may be different, generally when one views a beautiful painting or listens to a beautiful song a positive feeling, or outlook is radiated from the individual regardless of their possible language or cultural barriers. Art’s ability to break through language and cultural differences remains as one of the great and beneficial aspects of art, and can be done by very few things in the world today.

Art may be universal when looking at it but people definitely have different opinions of how deeply it moves them or how much emphasis they put on it. Just as some may not like a certain color, but in others minds it may be their favorite, the same goes for art. However, generally speaking art seems to be a pretty universal concept if someone regards something as art or not, just the feeling generated from that specific piece of art may vary. It is hard to define what is not art in the world because most things can be looked at as art. Even if it is not as obvious as a sculpture or a beautiful piece of clothing, almost everything is art. Even the stapler on ones desk was planned and shaped a certain way although it may not create an emotional feeling for someone, and probably no one regards it as their favorite piece of art it definitely is a form it.

It would be difficult for someone to challenge this view because although they could try and defend that some of the more simple forms of art mentioned did not elicit an emotion or a reaction for them. So for them perhaps it should not be regarded as art, but it clearly has a specific design and shape in which someone had to create. Even though it may be very simple, it is nonetheless art.

Art has been a constant in society as a way to make life more beautiful and can make people view things in a different light. It also remains as healthy way for one to express oneself and a tool to elicit feelings from others, no matter what language or culture barrier. Art is incredible because it does not just bring happiness and joy to the one who created it, it can also do the same for the individual absorbing it. The more obvious forms of art like a painting, sculpture, movie, play, etc are generally the generic go to types of art people refer to when thinking of art. However, there is also the side of art that is not as obvious like ones coffee mug or other everyday appliances that one wouldn’t generally refer to as art because it probably doesn’t look to them as beautiful or have an emotional effect on them. No matter how simple, someone had a vision and a design for the world’s everyday appliances, which transcends as art. Art is an aspect of life that brings people together, and allows for healthy expression and creativity. Without the positivity of art and the many feelings it often radiates in people, there would be an aspect of history, and inspiration missing in all cultures and society.

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